Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

The waitlist for Winter '25 Ling 139 is available hereApproval codes are emailed out in Pass 3.

The Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages minor provides students with a foundation in second language teaching practice and the theory of second language acquisition. The program aims to support students with opportunities to teach English globally or locally. Students will gain a well-rounded education in theory and practices of instructed second language teaching, second language acquisition, English grammar, Syntax, and Phonetics.

Minor Requirements Sheet (PDF)

TESOL Course Yearly Layout

Fall Quarter

Winter Quarter

Spring Quarter


LING 141 : Second Language Acquisition (Professor Kessler)


LING 139 : Intro to TESOL (Dr. Webb)

LING 140 : English Grammar for Teachers (Professor Kessler)


Courses Related to the Minor 

LING 148AA: On-site Introductory Practicum is designed for students who are interested in teaching/tutoring English as a second or foreign language to adult learners, either abroad or in the United States. Through engagement with course curriculum/materials and through site-based observations, classroom and small group/individual teaching opportunities, and pedagogical feedback from a mentor teacher, practicum students will develop experiential knowledge regarding the applications of theoretical and pedagogical concepts in the teaching and learning of English as an additional language. The course will run Spring 2025. Please use the following form to reserve your spot and receive information about how to sign up: LING 148 Practicum in TESOL Google Form

 Course content will vary. **While not listed yet on the TESOL minor degree sheet, this course satisfies Area B of TESOL minor or can satisfiy as an upper-division Linguistics elective course.**

Additional Resources

Are you a graduating senior looking for a summer job in 2024? TESOL practicum course graduates are invited to apply for a potential *paid* summer English language teaching position here in Santa Barbara.

If you are interested in getting more involved in TESOL, check out our page on Shoreline!

Check out our TESOL minor Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/590518591293913