Graduate Students
Sign language linguistics, language documentation and description, collaborative and community-based research, phonology, typology, Caribbean, linguistic ethnography, tactile sign languages, sociocultural linguistics, queer and trans linguistics, digital humanities, language and power, colonialism & imperialism
Language documentation, descriptive linguistics, language revitalization, verbal art, literature, pedagogical grammar, prosody, morphosyntax, compoundings, language community engagement and social media empowerment, Quechuan languages
Trans linguistics, queer linguistics, sociophonetics, computational linguistics, English second-person pronouns, nonbinary identity talk, trans-affirming statistical methods
Trans linguistics; sociolinguistics; phonetics; perception; social justice; pedagogy; methodology
corpus linguistics; syntax; language variation and contact; cognitive science
Historical and comparative linguistics; computational linguistics; language change and contact; lexicostatistics; biological methods in linguistics; computational cladistics; Icelandic (North Germanic); Zapotec languages (Oto-Manguean); linguistics in literary analysis
Sociocultural linguistics; educational linguistics and linguistics outreach; language and social power; online discourse and multimodality; linguistic anthropology; transgender linguistics; language, gender, and sexuality; identity formation and communication; identity and intersectionality; methodology; language change; and linguistic ideologies
Phonetics; prosody; second language acquisition; L2 prosody; speech production and perception; articulatory phonology
- Graduate Student
Language endangerment, description, documentation, and revitalization; space in language, culture, and cognition; typology; and Amazonian languages
Corpus-based linguistics, variationist typology, experimental morphosyntax, quantitative methods in linguistics (mixed-effect models, Bayesian hierarchical modelling, bootstrap, discrete time series), discourse and grammar, morphosyntactic alternations, reference tracking, parts of speech, Sino-Tibetan languages (esp. of China and Nepal), prosody and syntax, phonotactics
Computational linguistics; discourse-
Trans linguistics; interpreter pedagogy; signed language linguistics; sociocultural linguistics; translanguaging; language ideologies/attitudes; language, gender and sexuality; queer and trans deaf/signing communities/cultures; semiotics; embodiment; linguistic ethnography; discourse analysis.
sociocultural linguistics; race and racialization; language, gender, and sexuality; african-american language; black feminist theory; community-centered ethnography; performance; pedagogy; genre theory; linguistic terrain.
Pronouns: they/them/their
Photo credit: Mariah Webber
Sociocultural linguistics; linguistic anthropology; embodiment; memory; space and place; ritual language; African American Language and Culture; discourses of death, grief, and mourning
Vietnamese, ethnographic fieldwork, discourse analysis, linguistic anthropology, demonstratives, insubordination, Tây oral literature, Tây dialect, cultural maintenance, Southeast Asian languages and cultures.
Sociocultural linguistics; linguistic anthropology; community-centered ethnography; critical disability studies; autism; bilingualism; communication technologies; embodiment; Latinx linguistic practices; social justice; Spanish; translanguaging
Phonetics; phonology; prosody; speech production and perception; psycholinguistics; neurolinguistics; speech disorders; language acquisition; bilingualism
Language documentation and description, Ende, Pahoturi River languages, Papuan languages, information structure, discourse, language contact, multilingualism
Low-resource NLP, endangered languages, morphological complexity; Manchu-Tungus, Turkic, Uralic, Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages, Basque
Computational psycholinguistics, emotion and language, child language acquisition, statistical modeling
- Graduate Student
Language documentation, description, and revitalization; phonetics; phonology; prosody; morphology; syntax; historical linguistics; clause chaining; Amazonian languages; Shiwilu (Kawapanan); Peruvian Amazonian Spanish
- South Hall 5431H
Language revitalization in Indigenous language contexts, long-term effects of language shift on community and community members, the role of archival documentation in dormant language revitalization, 2nd-language acquisition in Indigenous language-learning contexts.
Language documentation; linguistic typology; prosody; word stress and prominence; articulatory phonetics and phonology; information structure; focus marking; intonational phonology; case marking; (in)definiteness; clause combining; usage-based and discourse-functional approaches; cognitive semantics; historical linguistics; sociocultural linguistics; community-based and community-informed language work; language revitalization; language & music; Philippine & Formosan languages (Austronesian); Otomanguean languages
Psycholinguistics; corpus linguistics; first and second language acquisition; the relations between cognitive factors and the online processing of language; computational modeling
Computational linguistics, sociocultural linguistics, human-AI interaction, conversational AI, inclusive language, emojis