
Graduate Students

  • Graduate Student

Sign language linguistics, language documentation and description, collaborative and community-based research, phonology, typology, Caribbean, linguistic ethnography, tactile sign languages, sociocultural linguistics, queer and trans linguistics, digital humanities, language and power, colonialism & imperialism

  • Graduate Student

Language documentation, descriptive linguistics, language revitalization, verbal art, literature, pedagogical grammar, prosody, morphosyntax, compoundings, language community engagement and social media empowerment, Quechuan languages


  • Graduate Student

Trans linguistics, queer linguistics, sociophonetics, computational linguistics, English second-person pronouns, nonbinary identity talk, trans-affirming statistical methods

  • Graduate Student

Trans linguistics; sociolinguistics; phonetics; perception; social justice; pedagogy; methodology

  • Graduate Student

corpus linguistics; syntax; language variation and contact; cognitive science

  • South Hall 4431Q
  • Graduate Student

Historical and comparative linguistics; computational linguistics; language change and contact; lexicostatistics; biological methods in linguistics; computational cladistics; Icelandic (North Germanic); Zapotec languages (Oto-Manguean); linguistics in literary analysis

  • Graduate Student

Sociocultural linguistics; educational linguistics and linguistics outreach; language and social power; online discourse and multimodality; linguistic anthropology; transgender linguistics; language, gender, and sexuality; identity formation and communication; identity and intersectionality; methodology; language change; and linguistic ideologies

  • Graduate Student

Phonetics; prosody; second language acquisition; L2 prosody; speech production and perception; articulatory phonology

  • Graduate Student

Language endangerment, description, documentation, and revitalization; space in language, culture, and cognition; typology; and Amazonian languages

  • Graduate Student
language description and documentation, language contact and change, phonology, prosody, typology, metaphor, Uyghur, Turkic languages, translation
  • Graduate Student

Corpus-based linguistics, variationist typology, experimental morphosyntax, quantitative methods in linguistics (mixed-effect models, Bayesian hierarchical modelling, bootstrap, discrete time series), discourse and grammar, morphosyntactic alternations, reference tracking, parts of speech, Sino-Tibetan languages (esp. of China and Nepal), prosody and syntax, phonotactics

  • Graduate Student

Computational linguistics; discourse-functional and usage-based approaches; historical and areal linguistics; Indigenous American languages especially Na-Dene and Uto-Aztecan language families; information structure; language documentation; linguistic typology; multilingualism; phonetics; phonology; prosody; sociocultural linguistics


  • Graduate Student

Trans linguistics; interpreter pedagogy; signed language linguistics; sociocultural linguistics; translanguaging; language ideologies/attitudes; language, gender and sexuality; queer and trans deaf/signing communities/cultures; semiotics; embodiment; linguistic ethnography; discourse analysis.

  • Graduate Student
Sociocultural linguistics; linguistic anthropology; queer & trans communities; Ballroom scene/culture; embodiment; dance/performance; drag; semiotics; Puerto Rico; Caribbean; visual & multimodal anthropology; coloniality/colonialism; diaspora
Pronouns: they/them/elle


  • Graduate Student

sociocultural linguistics; race and racialization; language, gender, and sexuality; african-american language; black feminist theory; community-centered ethnography; performance; pedagogy; genre theory; linguistic terrain.

Pronouns: they/them/their

Photo credit:  Mariah Webber


  • South Hall 3607
  • Graduate Student

Sociocultural linguistics; linguistic anthropology; embodiment; memory; space and place; ritual language; African American Language and Culture; discourses of death, grief, and mourning


  • Graduate Student

Vietnamese, ethnographic fieldwork, discourse analysis, linguistic anthropology, demonstratives, insubordination, Tây oral literature, Tây dialect, cultural maintenance, Southeast Asian languages and cultures.

  • Graduate Student

Sociocultural linguistics; linguistic anthropology; community-centered ethnography; critical disability studies; autism; bilingualism; communication technologies; embodiment; Latinx linguistic practices; social justice; Spanish; translanguaging

  • Graduate Student

Phonetics; phonology; prosody; speech production and perception; psycholinguistics; neurolinguistics; speech disorders; language acquisition; bilingualism

  • Graduate Student

Language documentation and description, Ende, Pahoturi River languages, Papuan languages, information structure, discourse, language contact, multilingualism


  • Graduate Student

Low-resource NLP, endangered languages, morphological complexity; Manchu-Tungus, Turkic, Uralic, Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages, Basque

  • Graduate Student

Computational psycholinguistics, emotion and language, child language acquisition, statistical modeling

  • Graduate Student

Language documentation, description, and revitalization; phonetics; phonology; prosody; morphology;  syntax; historical linguistics; clause chaining; Amazonian languages; Shiwilu (Kawapanan); Peruvian Amazonian Spanish

  • South Hall 5431H
  • Graduate Student

Language revitalization in Indigenous language contexts, long-term effects of language shift on community and community members, the role of archival documentation in dormant language revitalization, 2nd-language acquisition in Indigenous language-learning contexts.

  • Graduate Student

Language documentation; linguistic typology; prosody; word stress and prominence; articulatory phonetics and phonology; information structure; focus marking; intonational phonology; case marking; (in)definiteness; clause combining; usage-based and discourse-functional approaches; cognitive semantics; historical linguistics; sociocultural linguistics; community-based and community-informed language work; language revitalization; language & music; Philippine & Formosan languages (Austronesian); Otomanguean languages

  • Graduate Student

Psycholinguistics; corpus linguistics; first and second language acquisition; the relations between cognitive factors and the online processing of language; computational modeling

  • Graduate Student

Computational linguistics, sociocultural linguistics, human-AI interaction, conversational AI, inclusive language, emojis